Anti - Foaming Agent / Your global solution partner








DF 105 PLUS - Anti Foaming Agent For Water Based Paints

Product Description: DF 105 plus is an effective defoamer based on a mixture of hydrophobic components in mina-rel oil carrier supplied in emulsion farm. DF 105 PLUS controls the foaming tendency af surfactants in water based emulsidn paints without affecting the final film properties. DF 105 PLUS performs efficiently during the grinding step as well as retaining its antifoamimg efficiency upon storage and during coating application. DF 105 PLUS can be added at any Stege of manufacture. For effective foam destabilization, it is advisable to add a part of the dosage prior to processing at the mill base and part during the letdown stage.

DF 1520 PLUS - Anti Foaming Agent For Water Based Paints


Application: DF 1520 PLUS is an effective defoamer based on a mixture of hydrophobic components in a mineral oil carrier supplied in emulsion form. DF 1520 PLUS controls the foaming tendency of surfactants in water-based emulsion paints without affecting the final film properties. DF 1520 PLUS performs efficiently during the grinding step as well as retaining its antifoamimg efficiency upon storage and during coating application. DF 1520 PLUS can be added at any stage of manufacture. For effective foam destabilization, it is advisable to add a part of the dosage prior to processing at the mill base and a part during the letdown stage.

Using Amount: The general usage level for DF 1520 PLUS is 0.1-1.0% on total formulation weight.