Cleaners / Your global solution partner
They are designed to remove contaminants and soils from machined and non-machined aluminium surfaces and are easily rinsed from part or component surfaces. The product range is designed and specifically formulated chemical blends consisting of salts, surface active wetting agents to provide detergency, and in some formulations, sequestrant (mild chelating) agents which are utilized to help stop formation of scales on tanks and equipment to provide long life and extended performance from the cleaner. Many uses are applied by immersion processing, but also formulations are available for spray processing. ALUMAL Cleaners are available as non-etch, mild-etch, and etch formulations both from acid and alkaline chemistries. These options offer a wide range of operation on all types of aluminium alloys.
- The Non-Etch Cleaners were designed for the removal of surface soils before any etching process. This approach will maintain aluminium surface finish integrity so the actual etching process is more efficient and provides uniform surface aspect.
- The Etch-Cleaners are perfect for cases when installation of a separate non-etch cleaner followed by an etch tank is not possible due to space limitations. Etch cleaners are formulated to carry out both processes depending on the application. Etch cleaning always requires proper surface desmutting to remove alloy smuts that result from etching process.